Hooray! You are on your way to be a part of the School of Journalism. An advisor will be in touch with you shortly if you have any questions. To officially declare your major, you must first meet with the Journalism advisor, Vanessa DeCardenas. You can schedule an appointment online. To officially declare your minor, she will reach out to you via email.Admission RequirementsTo become a journalism major you must meet the following:Earn a grade of B or better English 101 and 102 or in English 109H.Earn a grade of C or better in Math 105, 107, 109C, 112; or LING 123; or PHIL 110.Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.5, including the semester when application is made for admission into the major.Earn a grade of C or better in JOUR 105. Name Email Current major Student ID number I would like to Major in Journalism Add Journalism as a second major (double-major/double-degree) Minor in Journalism Major in Studies of Global Media Minor in Studies of Global Media Comments or questions Submit Leave this field blank