Books, Book Chapters, Journal Articles, Monographs and Book Reviews
Monica Chadha
Chadha, M., Kwon, H., & Tsai, J. (2022). “An Examination of Affiliate and Network Television Channels’ Facebook Use for Addressing Audiences’ Critical Information Needs.” Electronic News. doi: 10.1177/19312431221093090
Kwon, K.H., Pellizzaro, K., Shao, C. & Chadha, M. (2022). “I heard that COVID-19 was…”: Rumors, pandemic and psychological distance. American Behavioral Scientist (online first). doi: 10.1177/00027642211066026
Schroeder, J. & Chadha, M. (2021). Journalist, advertiser, or both: Reevaluating legal distinctions between journalistic and commercial speech in the networked era. Communication Law & Policy, 26(2), 222-264. doi: 10.1080/10811680.2021.1893106
Tsai, J., *Bosse, R., *Sridharan, N. & Chadha, M. (2020). Reclaiming the narratives: Situated multidimensional representation of underserved Indigenous communities through citizen-driven reporting. Journalism, 23(10), 2132-2152. doi: 10.1177/1464884920983261
Jeannine Relly
Relly, J.E., Rabbi, F., Jha, H., Pakanati, R., Sabharwal, M. (2023). Integrating social equity into Right to Information and Access to Information laws and policies: Drawing on the Indian Case. In Zafarullah, H., & Siddiquee, N.A. (eds). Open government & freedom of information: Policy and Practice in the Middle East. Routledge.
Relly, J.E., Zanger, M., & Banchero, P. (forthcoming 2021). Toward a framework for studying democratic media development and ‘media capture’: The Iraqi Kurdistan case. In Heloisa Pait (ed.), Media, development and democracy. Emerald Publishing.
González de Bustamante, C. and Relly, J. E. (2021). Surviving Mexico: Resistance and Resilience among Journalists in the Twenty-Fiirst Century, Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press.
Relly, J.E., Rabbi, F., Sabharwal, M., Pakanati, R., & Schwalbe, E. (2020). More than a decade in the making: A study of implementation of India’s Right to Information Act. World Development.
Relly, J.E., & Pakanati, R. (2020) Deepening democracy through a social movement: Networks, information rights, and online-and-offline activism. International Journal of Communication, 14, 4760-4780.
Jessica Retis
Retis, J. & Román-Velazquez, P. (2021). Latin Americans in London: Mapping digital diasporas in: David Dalton & David Ramírez (Eds.) Imagining Latinidad: Digital Diasporas and Public Engagement, Boston: Brill.
Retis, J. (2020). Understanding Ethnic journalism in an extinguishing print news media landscape: How the oldest Japanese-language newspaper in Brazil confronts generational change”. In: Gladkova, A. and Jamil, S. (Eds.) Ethnic Journalism in the Global South. Palgrave (forthcoming).
Retis, J. (2020). “Latino News Media” in: Edition. Borchard, G. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Journalism. 2nd New York: Sage (forthcoming).
Retis, J. (2019) Migrations and the Media between Asia and Latin America: Japanese-Brazilians in Tokyo and São Paulo. In: Kevin Smets, Koen Leurs, Myria Georgiou, Saskia Witteborn and Radhika Gajjala (Eds.) The Sage Handbook of Media & Migration, Sage, 297-308. ISBN: 9781526447210.
Retis, J. (2019) Homogenizing heterogeneity in transnational contexts. Contemporary Latin American Diasporas and the Media in the global North. In: Jessica Retis and Roza Tsagarousianou (Eds.) The Handbook of Diasporas, Media, and Culture, Willey-Blackwell, 115-136. ISBN: 978-1-119-23670-2.
Susan E. Swanberg
Swanberg, S.E. (2021). “Under the Influence: Johannes A. Siemes, S.J.’s eyewitness report and
its impact on John Hersey’s Hiroshima,” Literary Journalism Studies, 13 (1 & 2): 130-161.
Swanberg, S.E. (2021). “‘Well-bred and Well-fed,’ The Science News-Letter’s Coverage of Eugenics
from 1924 to 1965.” American Journalism, 38(2):202-230. Note: This research was
funded by a 2018 AJHA Rising Scholar award.
Swanberg, S.E. (2021). “Alarm Calls and Other Echoes of A Once and Future World,” Book Review
Essay forthcoming in Literary Journalism Studies, December 2023.
Swanberg, S.E. (2021) “Nuclear Shadows: Hersey’s Hiroshima Revisited,” review of Fallout: The
Hiroshima Cover-up and the Reporter Who Revealed it to the World, Literary Journalism Studies,
13 (1& 2):194-198.
Swanberg, S.E. (2020). “Borrowed Chronicles: New York Times Science Journalist, William L. ‘Atomic Bill’ Laurence and the Reports of a Hiroshima Survivor,” in Legacies of the Manhattan Project: Reflections on 75 Years of a Nuclear Age, (editor: Michael Mays). Hanford Histories Series Volume II, Pullman, WA: WSU Press.