Recent Faculty Research and Publications

Below are the books, book chapters, journal articles, monographs and book reviews published by School of Journalism faculty in the past five years:

Monica Chadha

Chadha, M., Kwon, H., & Tsai, J. (2022). “An Examination of Affiliate and Network Television Channels’ Facebook Use for Addressing Audiences’ Critical Information Needs.” Electronic News. doi: 10.1177/19312431221093090  

Kwon, K.H., Pellizzaro, K., Shao, C. & Chadha, M. (2022). “I heard that COVID-19 was…”: Rumors, pandemic and psychological distance. American Behavioral Scientist (online first). doi: 10.1177/00027642211066026    

Schroeder, J. & Chadha, M. (2021). Journalist, advertiser, or both: Reevaluating legal distinctions between journalistic and commercial speech in the networked era. Communication Law & Policy, 26(2), 222-264. doi: 10.1080/10811680.2021.1893106  

Tsai, J., *Bosse, R., *Sridharan, N. & Chadha, M. (2020). Reclaiming the narratives: Situated multidimensional representation of underserved Indigenous communities through citizen-driven reporting. Journalism, 23(10), 2132-2152. doi: 10.1177/1464884920983261 

Jessica Retis

Retis, J. & Barranquero. (2024). Discourses and Counter-Discourses on Race and Coloniality Towards a Journalism-Other in Latin America in: Subervi, F. & Roy, S. (Eds.) Oxford Encyclopedia on Race, Ethnicity and Communications, Boston: Brill.

Román, P. García, A. & Retis, J. (2024). Positioning Latin America’s Urban Margins: Where and how does Latin America live?, in: Richmond, M. & Kopper, M.  (Eds.) Subjectivity at the Margins of the Latin American City, London: Berghahn. 

Sanchez, A. & Retis, J. (Eds.) (2023). Communicative Spaces in Bilingual Contexts: Discourses, Synergies and Counterflows in Spanish and English, New York: Routledge.

Cueva Chacón, L. & Retis, J. (2023) ¿Qué pasa with American news media? Digital Latinx media serving communities information needs using messaging apps. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

Sánchez, A. & Retis, J. (2023). Bilingual and Spanish Language Media in the U.S. as a Language Maintenance Tool Among Latinx Communities, Spanish as a Heritage Language, Vol. 3. No 2 (2023).

Retis, J. (2022). “Latino News Media” in: Edition. Borchard, G. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Journalism. 2nd New York: Sage.

Puente, T., Retis, J., Aguilar, A, and Ayala, J. (Eds.) (2022). Reporting on Latino Communities: A Guide for Journalists, New York: Routledge.

Román, P. and Retis, J. (2021). Latin Americans in London: Narratives of Migration, Relocation and Belonging, London: Palgrave.

Retis, J., Kanashiro, L. & Domenack W. (2021). Retos metodológicos en el estudio del sistema de medios informativos en el Perú, Cuadernos Info, 50, 1-21 

Retis, J. and Cueva-Chacón, L. (2021). Mapping Digital-native U.S. Latinx News: Beyond Geographical Boundaries, Language Barriers, and Hyper-fragmentation of Audiences, International Symposium on Online Journalism Journal, Spring 2021, 35-63.

Retis, J. & Román-Velazquez, P. (2021). Latin Americans in London: Mapping digital diasporas in: David Dalton & David Ramírez (Eds.) Imagining Latinidad: Digital Diasporas and Public Engagement, Boston: Brill.

Retis, J. (2020). Understanding Ethnic journalism in an extinguishing print news media landscape: How the oldest Japanese-language newspaper in Brazil confronts generational change”. In: Gladkova, A. and Jamil, S. (Eds.) Ethnic Journalism in the Global South. Palgrave (forthcoming).

Retis, J. (2020). “Latino News Media” in: Edition. Borchard, G. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Journalism. 2nd New York: Sage (forthcoming).

Retis, J. and Tsagarousianou, R. (Eds.) (2019). The Handbook on Diasporas, Media, and Culture. Hoboken, NJ: Willey Blackwell. IAMCR.

Retis, J. (2019) Migrations and the Media between Asia and Latin America: Japanese-Brazilians in Tokyo and São Paulo. In: Kevin Smets, Koen Leurs, Myria Georgiou, Saskia Witteborn and Radhika Gajjala (Eds.) The Sage Handbook of Media & Migration, Sage, 297-308. ISBN: 9781526447210.

Susan E. Swanberg

Swanberg, S.E. (2021). “Under the Influence: Johannes A. Siemes, S.J.’s eyewitness report and 
its impact on John Hersey’s Hiroshima,” Literary Journalism Studies, 13 (1 & 2): 130-161.

Swanberg, S.E. (2021). “‘Well-bred and Well-fed,’ The Science News-Letter’s Coverage of Eugenics 
from 1924 to 1965.” American Journalism, 38(2):202-230. Note: This research was
funded by a 2018 AJHA Rising Scholar award.

Swanberg, S.E. (2021). “Alarm Calls and Other Echoes of A Once and Future World,” Book Review 
Essay forthcoming in Literary Journalism Studies, December 2023.

Swanberg, S.E. (2021) “Nuclear Shadows: Hersey’s Hiroshima Revisited,” review of Fallout: The 
Hiroshima Cover-up and the Reporter Who Revealed it to the World, Literary Journalism Studies,
13 (1& 2):194-198.

Swanberg, S.E. (2020). “Borrowed Chronicles: New York Times Science Journalist, William L. ‘Atomic Bill’ Laurence and the Reports of a Hiroshima Survivor,” in Legacies of the Manhattan Project: Reflections on 75 Years of a Nuclear Age, (editor: Michael Mays). Hanford Histories Series Volume II, Pullman, WA: WSU Press.    

Jeannine Relly

Chadha, M., & J.E. Relly. (2024). Supporting Intercultural Experiences in Online Teaching during Wartime and Humanitarian Crises: Slack as a Learning Tool. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 1-22. DOI: 10.1177/10776958241234365.

Baker, A., González de Bustamante, C., & Relly, J.E. (eds.). (August 2023). Violence against women from the Global South: Reporting in the post #MeToo era. Palgrave Studies in Journalism and the Global South series.  

Relly, J.E., Rabbi, F., Jha, H., Pakanati, R., Sabharwal, M. (2023). Integrating social equity into Right to Information and Access to Information laws and policies: Drawing on the Indian Case. In Zafarullah, H., & Siddiquee, N.A. (eds). Open government & freedom of information: Policy and Practice in the Middle East. Routledge.

Relly, J.E., & González de Bustamante, C., & Lalwani, S. (2024). Digital networks and collaborations: Addressing violence against journalists and building resilience. In S. Banjac, D. Cheruiyot, J. Swart and S. Eldridge II (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Relly, J.E. (2024). Transparency. In L. Macedo Pinto de Sousa and Susana Duarte Coroado (eds.), Encyclopedia of Corruption. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Relly, J.E., & González de Bustamante, C. (2023). Violence, trauma, and reflexivity: Methodological issues and challenges in conducting research in Mexico’s conflict zones. In R.A. González Macías & M. Echeverría (eds.), Media and politics in Mexican democratization: The post-authoritarian sign. Palgrave.

Relly, J.E., Rabbi, F., Jha, H., Pakanati, R., Sabharwal, M. (2023). Integrating social equity into Right to Information and Access to Information laws and policies: Drawing on the Indian Case. In Zafarullah, H., & Siddiquee, N.A. (eds). Open government & freedom of information: Policy and Practice in Asia and the Middle East. Routledge.

Ben Cheikh, S. & Relly, J.E.  (2023). Online activism in contexts of war: Is there a #MeToo echo in Libya, Syria and Yemen? In A. Baker, C. González de Bustamante and J.E. Relly, Violence Against Women in the Global South: Reporting in the Post #MeToo Era. Palgrave Macmillan.   

Relly, J.E., & Waisbord, S. (2022). Why collective resilience in journalism matters: A call to action in global media development. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies.

Relly, J.E., Zanger, M., & Banchero, P. (2021). Toward a framework for studying democratic media development and ‘media capture’: The Iraqi Kurdistan case. In Heloisa Pait (ed.), Media, development and democracy. Emerald Publishing.

González de Bustamante, C. and Relly, J. E. (2021). Surviving Mexico: Resistance and Resilience among Journalists in the Twenty-Fiirst Century, Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press.

Relly, J.E., Rabbi, F., Sabharwal, M., Pakanati, R., & Schwalbe, E. (2020). More than a decade in the making: A study of implementation of India’s Right to Information Act. World Development.

Relly, J.E., & Pakanati, R. (2020) Deepening democracy through a social movement: Networks, information rights, and online-and-offline activism. International Journal of Communication, 14, 4760-4780.

Relly, J.E., Zanger, M., & Banchero, P. (2021). Toward a framework for studying democratic media development and ‘media capture’: The Iraqi Kurdistan case. In Heloisa Pait (ed.), Media, development and democracy. Emerald Publishing.

González de Bustamante, C. and Relly, J. E. (2021). Surviving Mexico: Resistance and Resilience among Journalists in the Twenty-Fiirst Century, Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press.

Relly, J.E., Rabbi, F., Sabharwal, M., Pakanati, R., & Schwalbe, E. (2020). More than a decade in the making: A study of implementation of India’s Right to Information Act. World Development.

Relly, J.E., & Pakanati, R. (2020) Deepening democracy through a social movement: Networks, information rights, and online-and-offline activism. International Journal of Communication, 14, 4760-4780.

Zicheng Cheng

Gil de Zúñiga, H., & Cheng, Z. (2024). Origin and Evolution of the News Finds Me Perception: Review of Theory and Effects. In: Goyanes, M., Cañedo, A. (eds) Media Influence on Opinion Change and Democracy. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 

Cheng, Z., Yang, Y., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2023). Second screening and professional and alternative news media trust: The mediating role of media efficacy. Human Communication Research,
Cheng, Z., & Li, Y. (2023). Like, comment, and share on TikTok: Exploring the effect of sentiment and second-person view on the user engagement with TikTok news videos. Social Science Computer Review. doi: 10.1177/08944393231178603
Cheng, Z., Marcos-Marne, H., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2023). Birds of a Feather Get Angrier Together:
Effect of Social Media News, Political Homophily on Political Anger. Political Behavior. doi: 10.1007/s11109-023-09864-z.
Cheng, Z., Chen, J., Peng, X., & Shoenberger, H. (2023). Social media influencers talk about politics: Investigating the role of source factors and PSR in Gen-Z followers’ perceived information quality, receptivity and sharing intention. Journal of Information Technology & Politics. doi:10.1080/19331681.2023.2173700 
Gil de Zúñiga, H., Cheng, Z., & González-González, P. (2022). Effects of the News Finds Me perception on algorithmic news attitudes and social media political homophily. Journal of Communication, 72(5), 578-591. doi:10.1093/joc/jqac025 
Cheng, Z., Zhang, B., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2022). Antecedents of Political Consumerism: Modeling Online, Social Media and WhatsApp News Use Effects Through Political Expression and Political Discussion. International Journal of Press/Politics. doi: 10.1177/19401612221075936 

Josh Anderson

Anderson, J. T. L., Sussman, K., & Song, Y. (2024). To be woke or not to be woke? An exploration of the moral foundations of conservative rejection of brand activism. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 1-14.

Anderson, J. T. L. & Devlin-Brown, N. (2024). The shifting foundations of current social media research and systems thinking as a remedy: A proposal for a new research agenda. Journal of Social Media in Society.

Anderson, J. T. L., Kazmi, S., Yu, N., Atkinson, L., Jamar, P., & Tao, J. (In Press). Sustainable and Just?: A Concept Analysis of Access to Sustainable Commercial Goods as an Issue of Environmental Justice. Accepted submission for “Strategic Sustainability Communication. Principles, Perspectives and Potential of Communication for Transformation” (to be published by Springer Nature).

Anderson, J. T. L., Eastin, M., & LaMonica, M. (In Press). The Environmental Communication Uncertainty Framework- How Biology May Inform Communication Theory.
Accepted submission for “Emerging vegetal communication in the public space" (to be published by ISTE)