Professors participate at 2018 AEJMC Conference in D.C.

Three UA School of Journalism faculty members attended the 2018 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference in Washington, D.C.
The 2018 AEJMC conference, titled "Strengthening Our Community: Working Together to Build Scholars, Educators and Engaged Academic Citizens," was held Aug. 6-9 at the Renaissance Hotel Downtown.
Below are the panels in which UA professors presented or participated:

Monday, Aug. 6
• Celeste González de Bustamante presented her work with Jeannine Relly on a panel titled “Under Attack: Threats, Challenges and Gender Bias Facing International Female Journalists. The title of the paper is "Resistance and Resilience: How Female Reporters and Editors Along the U.S.-Mexico Border Respond to Violence Against Journalists" and was sponsored by the Commission on the Status of Women and the AEJMC Council of Affiliates.
• Carol Schwalbe (director) presented "Artful Storytelling," part of a "Teaching Marathon" panel session, sponsored by the Magazine Media and Visual Communication Divisions.
Tuesday, Aug. 7
• Celeste González de Bustamante, with Christa Reynolds, presented "Tsunamis on the U.S.-Mexico Border? Use of Metaphors in News Coverage of Unaccompanied Minors," part of the panel session, "Making Sense of Media in the Trump Era ," sponsored by the AEJMC Cultural and Critical Studies Division.

Wednesday, Aug. 8
• Carol Schwalbe (director) presented "Preparing for Next Semester," part of a teaching panel session, "Doctors are In," sponsored by the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Elected Standing Committee on Teaching.
• Jeannine Relly presented a talk titled, "Media, Propaganda, and Terrorism" on a panel sponsored by the International Communication and Law divisions of the AEJMC at the annual conference. The panel was titled "State-Sponsored Messaging and Freedom of Speech."