The School also hosts an Internship Fair twice a year and offers private visits with recruiters, Skype interviews and information sessions.
Why should I attend?
Here are just a few reasons:
- If you intend to make a career in journalism, you will want to be among the 80 percent of college graduates in communications who completed at least one internship before graduation.
- Add to your skill set.
- Find out what it's really like in a professional newsroom.
- Make valuable connections.
- Practice interviewing skills.
How does the internship fair work?
You get to meet one-on-one with a recruiter from a media organization, at the School of Journalism.
How do I sign up for an interview at the internship fair?
A QR code for the sign-up sheet will be included in the internship newsletter and online when available, as well as posted outside the internship office (Marshall Room 338).
Where do I go for my interviews?
When you get off the elevators on the third floor of the Marshall Building, you will see a whiteboard with room assignments.
What do I need to bring?
Bring your resume and a cover letter for each media organization. Depending on what you are interviewing for, you may also want to bring a photo/reel portfolio, either on a flashdrive to leave behind or prepare a QR code that leads to your personal website; published writing and/or audio clips; and your best writing samples from coursework to round out your portfolio, if needed. Bring extra copies of your materials. You never know when there will be an opening with a recruiter who had been booked up, or if you will decide to apply with an organization you hadn’t considered before.
Can I sign up for more than one interview?
What should I wear?
Business attire. The rule of thumb is to dress for the job you want!
We recommend:
- Button up shirt, clean blouse and a nice blazer or suit jacket.
- Dress pants, non-ripped jeans or mid-length skirts.
- Closed toe shoes.

What if I just want to ask an interviewer questions but not apply for an internship?
It’s fine to interview the interviewer for future opportunities, but don’t waste someone’s time if you’re absolutely sure you’d never want to work there.
How should I prepare for the fair?
This is super important! Be sure to read up on every media organization ahead of time, and know what the internship offers. Think about how your skills and interests would be a good match and be able to articulate these points. All of the internship descriptions are posted ahead of time on the internship listserv for UA School of Journalism students.
What if I’m going to be out of town for the fair?
Email the recruiter directly, and soon! You will be competing with all the students who were just interviewed and made personal impressions.
What if I made an appointment but can’t attend?
Please email Administrative Associate Mitra Christian immediately to cancel so someone else can have your slot. Only cancel on the day of or the day before the event if it is truly an emergency. Follow up with a note to the interviewer if an emergency causes you to cancel on the day of the event.
What steps should I take after the fair?
Write a thank-you note (email is fine; neatly handwritten is even better) to the recruiter. Even if you have decided another option is better for you, it’s a good idea to follow up with everyone to thank them for their time. You may apply to work at that media organization in the future or call upon that recruiter for advice. It’s best to leave a good impression.
What happens if I am offered multiple internships?
You can only do one at a time, so you’ll want to consider your options and take the one that will give you the best opportunity to develop your skills and help you meet your goals. Other considerations include your schedule, your workload for classes and jobs, and whether it is paid. Once you commit to an internship, it is bad form to back out, and if you do that at the last minute, the word will get around. Do everything possible to build and maintain a professional reputation.
I’ve accepted an internship. Now what?
You are eligible for internship credit if you have completed JOUR 205 with a C or better. If you are in 205 now, you will need to register for the internship class after grades have been recorded for JOUR 205. If you are eligible for credit and decide you’d like to register, you need to contact Undergraduate Program Advisor Paloma Boykin to register. Your internship supervisor will not register you! It is your responsibility.
What if I don’t want internship credit?
To comply with federal law and insurance requirements, most places require that you get internship credit if they are not paying you a salary or stipend.
Do I have to pay for internship credit?
If you have 12 or more units, your credit will be included in your full-time tuition. Below 12 units you will have to pay for the credit, just as you would for any other class. During the summer, you will pay tuition for the internship just as you would for any other class.
Anything else?
Yes. Have fun!