The University of Arizona School of Journalism, founded 70 years ago, continues to provide students with new technology, border reporting opportunities and hands-on experience that make a difference in these challenging times.
Join us by pledging to propel the program into the next 70 years and beyond. We're seeking alumni to dedicate a portion of their estates, whether it be equities, property, life insurance, or other contributions. Gifts of any size would help, and students will use it for generations to come.
You can also check out charitable trusts or gift annuities through the UA, which provide you with annual payouts for the rest of your life, often at better rates than you could get from a bank or CD.
So stand together with your fellow Wildcat alumni — see our testimonials below — and make a commitment to UA journalism. You're never too young to pledge!
Please contact the development office in the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences. We will work with you and the gift planning office at the University of Arizona Foundation to set up your estate gift for the School of Journalism.
Joe Altman
Class of 1999. Worked with the college on a planned estate gift – the Joseph Altman Business Journalism Scholarship Endowment.
The planned gift seemed like a great way to show my support for the UA now, but delay the financial outlay until I’m sure I won’t need it. ... We also devised a great way to combine my roots in the Journalism School with my new career by designating an endowed scholarship geared toward students interested in business journalism or entrepreneurial journalism. (Click here to read about Joe's career with The Associated Press and now a global accounting firm.)

Joe Altman
Al Litzow
Class of 1973. Willed his estate to the Harelson Operations Endowment.
Journalism was always sacred to me. I grew up in boarding schools and the written word was literally my only connection to the world. Good journalism is the glue holding together real truth, new ideas, opportunities, disseminating the good and the bad news that we all need to know. It’s much more than that but for me it’s enough to support the Journalism School enthusiastically.

Al Litzow
Sara Hammond
Class of 1977. Willed a portion of her estate to the school.
My journalism education at the University of Arizona provided me with a solid foundation for a career as a print and broadcast reporter and in corporate communications. I received several scholarships as a student, and I began “paying it forward” a few years after graduation. In this era of narrowly focused “media” catering to narrow political inclination; and instant, citizen journalism with a smart phone as your printing press or TV camera, the need for journalism education in a democratic society is more important than ever. This is why I want to assure that the UA is a place known for its excellent journalism instruction and opportunities for professional engagement.

David Cuillier
Associate Professor. Willed 10 percent of his estate to the operations endowment:.
I feel it’s hypocritical to ask others to pledge themselves to UA Journalism and not do it myself. So I did. I committed 10 percent of my estate to the UA Journalism Harelson Operations Endowment, and the rest to my children and the Society of Professional Journalists. It was easy. I first sent an email to the UA Foundation with my wishes and they recorded it (and started mailing me UA Foundation swag – bonus). Then I created my will in literally 15 minutes. People with complicated estates probably should consult with an attorney. But a pledge is still something that can be done today, quickly, by anyone, and you can always change your mind later.