Global Media - Electives

GLO 407: Building Digital Audiences Across the World

The course focuses on crafting and promoting media content in ways that seek to develop and monetize global networks of influence. Rather than assuming mass audiences wait passively for content, this course covers audience development including audience engagement tracking. This studies of global media course also discusses the history of audience research and broad concepts having to do with the global attention economy. Finally, it covers in some depth how to conduct a critical analysis of the potential social ramifications of building online audiences at scale. Globally, vast networks of people have been mobilized for good and for ill by means of engaging them with verified information and misinformation. This course addresses head on the dichotomy of the need for global media professionals to develop audiences in online networks using influencer-like practices while also paying attention to the many reasons why we do not feed the trolls.

Course Credits

GLO 475: Media Entrepreneurship and Innovation

For individuals who would like to start their own media company, create a new product or service within existing media companies or learn what it takes to become a media entrepreneur, then this course will help start them off on the path. In seven weeks, students will work towards creating and presenting the business plan for a new news media or other media venture, or a digital product of their choice, such as podcasts or mobile apps. This plan will be heavy on researching the market and strategizing next steps towards the launch of an entrepreneurial venture or career. Along the way, they will gain knowledge about the current state of the media field, what qualities an entrepreneur possesses, what kind of ventures are launched in the (mostly western) media market, different revenue and business models utilized in extant media ventures and the toolkit they need to plan and pitch their entrepreneurial offering. Students will learn to write a business plan that not only explains their new idea/venture but also the market, the competition, the revenue model and their strategy for the project’s sustainability. This business plan will serve as students’ final deliverable for the course.

GLO 480: Digital Media Law in a Global Context: Frameworks & Perspectives

This course will take you on a global journey through the law of digital communications, including but not limited to free speech v. hate speech, intellectual property, defamation, privacy, the right to be forgotten, access to information, media regulatory mechanisms and frameworks promulgated by governmental bodies, as well as those regulatory mechanisms and frameworks used by non-governmental bodies (such as the platform “law” concept used by Facebook and Twitter.) You will learn about comparative historical and theoretical legal concepts important to media professionals and responsible digital citizen-scholars.

GLO 465: Science Misinformation, Disinformation, Media & the Public

In this course we will explore science disinformation, misinformation, the media, and the public. We will begin by examining the hallmarks of science (as compared to pseudoscience and non-science) including the concept of falsifiability. Next, we will discuss the “public understanding of science” and why it is important. We will also study historical examples of science mis/disinformation including the ill-informed 19th century theory of climatology called “rain follows the plow,” the early twentieth century eugenics movement, the Andrew Wakefield autism/vaccine controversy, and other instances of pseudoscience or non-science masking as real science. You will learn about the science of science communication and why people are vulnerable to science mis/disinformation. You will read about and discuss modern problems that impact our understanding of science including the use of pre-print servers where scientific information that has not yet been peer-reviewed is published. We will discuss why some members of the public do not trust experts and expertise and you will learn for yourself hallmarks to look for in distinguishing scientific experts from non-experts. You will also learn how to speak to science deniers and others who question the reliability and accuracy of scientific information. You will cultivate scientific habits of mind and develop a toolbox of tips, tools, and skills with which you can arm yourself against science dis/misinformation.

GLO 405: Media & Climate Change

From human health to vanishing species, climate change is one of the major challenges facing people around the world. A vast majority of scientists agree that human-made climate change is a major factor threatening the planet’s future, but they worry that measures to stop or modify climate change are not taken seriously enough. What role do media play in this respect, and what role can they play in the future to communicate climate science and alert people of the challenges? How can media connect people’s everyday experiences to the global climate processes? Our exploration of different types of media will take us on a global odyssey into how media portray the problem, its causes and effects, what the future holds and what can be done.

GLO 402: The Future of Media and Technology

In today’s world, it is difficult to imagine media separate from technology, given how intertwined the two are. This course examines this intersection and influence of media over technology, and vice versa, in a little more detail. Specifically, this course delves into the various facets of this intersection and relationship and what that means in terms of the media people use, the technology they use and the kind of discourse and society they create as a result of digital affordances and advances. Students explore topics such as media and technology as democratic tools and/or instruments of power, theories related to media technology and learning about different media systems and emerging technological systems prevalent in the global North and South. Students will delve into the importance and influence of social networks at a deeper level than what they may already be familiar with, how WhatsApp is increasing in influence and almost representing the digital global divide, the issue of disinformation and fake news and how advances in artificial intelligence may well influence the future of media.

GLO 470: Documentary Studies

The documentary genre has long focused on social, cultural, political, economic and environmental issues. This course begins with a selective overview of the history of documentary journalism beginning in the 1920s, then takes a multicultural global perspective of documentary work by comparing and contrasting efforts from Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and the United States.

GLO 435: Media Ethics and Representation in a Global Context

Students explore ethics questions related to cultural bias, political and economic pressure, diverse representation, accuracy, privacy, national security and other pressures on news media. This course provides students with a framework to think critically about media’s obligations to the public. Analyses examine ethical philosophies as they relate to both citizen-driven media and journalists’ roles and responsibilities in various societies and governmental systems around the world.

JOUR 420: Digital Communications Law

This class examines the law of digital communications, including freedom of expression and information online, cybersecurity, surveillance, intellectual property, cooperation/collaboration, libel, privacy, hate speech and regulatory mechanisms. Students learn how to follow current law while engaging with digital communications. Also covered are historical and theoretical foundations of the law of digital communications and professional, ethical and legal decisions about digital communications in a global context.